For proper and professional administrative management delivery of the statutory mandate, the Road Maintenance Fund Administration (RMFA) is divided into the following operational structures
The Board of Directors provides policy directives for the Management of RMFA. As the governing body of the Administration, it shall consisting of;
- The Chairman who has knowledge and experience in matters relating to the functions of the Administration;
- A representative of the Sierra Leone Institution of Engineers with knowledge and experience in road development, construction or maintenance;
- A representative of the Sierra Leone Institute of Chartered Accountants;
- The professional head of the Ministry responsible for works or his representative;
- A member of civil society Organization;
- Two other persons with knowledge and experience in human resource management and administration at least one of whom shall be a woman;
- “The Financial Secretary or his representative” and
- The Chief Executive Officer.
With the exception of the CEO and the Professional Head from Ministry of Finance, other Board members may be appointed for a maximum of two-three years term limit, with the chance to be reappointed for not more than two consecutive times.
As the Chairman, he chairs all quarterly Board meetings. A minimum of Five (5) Board members are required to form a quorum for meetings, and conclusions and decisions are by simple majority. The Board shall have the power to establish committees in furthering the work of the Board, these include:
- Administration & Staff Matters Committee,
- Finance & Investment Committee,
- Planning Programmes, Monitoring & Evaluation Committee
The RMFA Management shall executive the policies which are made by the Board of Directors. It comprises of the following officials:
- Chief Executive Officer (CEO);
- Deputy Chief Executive Officer (DCEO);
- Director of Finance & Investment (DFI);
- Director of Administration & Corporate Services (DACS);
- Director of Programmes, Planning, Monitoring & Evaluation (DPPM&E);
- Head of Technical and Compliance Manager;
- Finance Manager (FM);
- Public Relation Manager (PRM); and
- Head of Information Technology (HIT).
The Offices of the CEO & DCEO
Office of the CEO Team:
The Directorate of Finance & Investment: The Finance Team is the Hub of all finance operations at RMFA charged with the responsibility of managing the funds collected from the Oil Marketing Companies and the SLRSA. In collaboration with the Office of the CEO and Engineering Team, the Directorate ensures that monies collected are efficiently and effectively utilized in financing maintenance work on the core road network.
The Directorate is currently divided into the Account, Audit and IT units. The Finance Team comprises the Director of Finance & Investment, Finance Manager, Finance Assistant Expenditure, Finance Assistant Revenue, Head of IT and IT Officer.
Directorate of Programmes, Planning, Monitoring & Evaluation: The role of Planning Programmes, Monitoring & Evaluation Directorate is to ensure that road maintenance investment programmes address the socio-economic priorities of the country and provide the best value for money to government and road users. They review road investment programmes, monitor and evaluate funded projects before payments are made.
The Directorate has a Technical and Compliance Units. The Team comprises the Director of Planning Programmes, Monitoring & Evaluation, Technical and Compliance Manager and host of engineers.
Directorate of Administration and Corporate Services: The Directorate manages the day to day administration; and ensuring that a suitable and conducive working environment is provided to all staff for the effective and efficient accomplishment of duties. Also, the Directorate must ensure that the required policy & procedure, facilities and assets for a productive work environment are working and reliable to support the operations of the Administration.
The Directorate has four units; Public Relations, Administration, Human Resources and Procurement units. It has a Team which comprises of the Director of Administration and Corporate Services, Public Relations Manager, HR Officer, Administrative Officer, Procurement Officer and host of Office Assistants and drivers.